
Archive for January, 2008|Monthly archive page

Inclusive Christmas

In aidan, Easy, green, ideas, neighbours, Weblogs on January 6, 2008 at 11:20 am

A great post from Aidan on how buying Christmas presents with a bit of consideration can make the whole thing more inclusive.

I think Aidan has it just right. Although Fair Trade didn’t feature quite as much for us this year, we did make quite a few presents. It’s a great feeling to know you’re giving something personal and unique (it’s often cheaper too!)

The other thing that Aidan’s post reminded me of is how much power we have as customers. Trying to track down Fair Trade gifts might feel discouraging at first, but before long, it will create pressure on mainstream retailers to change their ways. For example, many mainstream retailers now stock organic cotton, a change they would never have come up with were it not for small pioneering shops taking the lead.

By the time I am 30…

In climbing, outdoors, travel on January 5, 2008 at 8:00 pm

…I will have walked the Cuillin Ridge, and/or the Haute Route