
Archive for August, 2007|Monthly archive page


In Uncategorized on August 21, 2007 at 10:17 pm

Where does this end up?

Switching courses?

In BBK, ideas on August 21, 2007 at 5:23 pm

I’m considering switching courses at Birkbeck, from combined Politics, Philosophy and History to straight Philosophy.

One major reason is that I find Philosophy a lot easier (and did better in the exam). Also, I like the fact that Philosophy tends to consist of shorter readings, where you really get your teeth into the writer’s argument.

Great book

In design, ideas on August 21, 2007 at 5:18 pm

I got a brilliant book for my birthday: How to be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul

This thoughtful book by Adrian Shaughnessy treads a different path to your typical design book. Steering away from ‘applied’ knowledge, Shaugnessy gets into the ethics and practicalities behind setting up and practising as a designer.

Highly recommended! [Thanks Rachel :-)]

Early starts and late finishes

In quakers, sleep, work on August 9, 2007 at 6:25 am

I’m off to the FWCC World Triennial in Dublin later today. Even though I’m only away for just over ten days, I’ve had lots of things to tidy up at work. Add a few last-minute things to the list, a few nights out, and packing, and I find I’ve had a really busy week. Let’s hope my energy levels have a little fillip before I get to Dublin!

I’ll be running the official blog, which you can read at The basic idea of the Triennial is to gather around three hundred Quakers from around the world, and explore a theme together and learn about each other’s different Quaker experience and practices. There are also business sessions where we decide policy, approve budgets and so on, also workshops on specific issues such as peacemaking or prison work.


In bike, london on August 7, 2007 at 10:06 am

Many people think cycling in London is risky. They’re probably right!

I seem to have a fairly safe commute, despite the fact that I pass through some of the busiest bits of London. I wonder why this is? I don’t think it’s luck, or Divine Providence. Perhaps I’ve just honed my awareness (golden rule- expect the unexpected!) so that I’m always able to stay out of trouble…

Let’s hope that circumstances don’t make this a smug post!


In design, ideas, work on August 7, 2007 at 8:24 am

I’m not someone who feels that time slips away from them- generally speaking, I find I have enough time to get things done.

However, I’m very prone to getting sidetracked early in the morning (like now, when writing this post). It’s like all my creative energy bubbles up and tries to draw me away from cycling into the office…Hopefully one day I’ll be able to stay at home and make use of this creativity as it appears

Backing up…

In ideas, information, work on August 6, 2007 at 8:21 pm

I’m finally following my wise Dad’s advice and am making a backup. Off to Dublin in a day or two and taking the laptop, so I figured it would be good to back things up.Let’s hope I don’t need it…