
Archive for September, 2007|Monthly archive page

First world results on a third world budget | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

In ideas, politics on September 12, 2007 at 8:08 am

First world results on a third world budget | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

 Interesting comparison of Cuban healthcare vs. UK healthcare. For me, this was a very interesting point:

The trouble with the NHS, some say, is that it is not a national health service but a national sickness service. The focus is not on keeping us well, but keeping us alive. Hospital intensive care units take priority in the public mind over diet and exercise campaigns.

Cuba is admired by public health experts in Britain and around the world for putting the horse before the cart. Unable to afford too many hi-tech operating theatres, it focuses its efforts on keeping its people well and picking up illness early – when it’s easier and cheaper to treat.

Someone once told me that because the NHS was set up just after WWII, it became incredibly good at acute care, but not so good at prevention and day-to-day stuff.

Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | A police state? Crying wolf wont protect civil liberties

In Grr, ideas, media, politics on September 7, 2007 at 10:50 am

Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | A police state? Crying wolf wont protect civil liberties


Here’s what I think:

 A couple of dangerous assumptions here:

1. We used to have far fewer protections for civil liberties, so we shouldn’t complain about the present situation

2. New technology allows new intrusions to civil liberties- we should intervene in new ways because we can

I also think the writer is wrong to put (fully justified) anxieties about automatic and compulsory state collection of personal information (id cards, DNA databases etc) and the more questionable libertarian right to smoke in a public place in the same boat.

Where does this assumption that collecting reams of personal data for no immediate use has some kind of benefit come from?

I think the writer is quite right to say that the debate on civil liberties should be nuanced, and that both left and right can get it wrong by being too shrill. However, he then goes on to muddy the waters with some of his own faulty logic…

10 tips for successful freelancing :: Freelance UK

In design on September 5, 2007 at 3:02 pm

Good advice from a Freelance newsletter I get each week

10 tips for successful freelancing :: Freelance UK